PNM Outlines

Preservation of Natural Monuments in Africa

Ecology, Economy,Earth

The course of action:

1. Gathering information from journalists, reporters, tourists about unique places in African countries
In the network we already can find websites, posts, blog from travelers crossing by African continent.

2. Creating a virtual map with photos, movies, articles, websites providing every kind of information about this African natural beauty
In a form of website, virtual journal, blog etc.

3. Creating small touristic camps, health resorts and areas for researchers by using Eco design and Eco technology in accordance with traditional way of architecture and regional culture.
Africa it´s an natural art studio and a natural laboratory. In every corner you will find exotic materials. Beautiful, colorful wood, reeds, rocks, grass, nuts, fruits, clay, all those natural products are using by African to build houses, made furniture and house ware.

Traditional way of building houses is very quick. You can come here with a group of friends and create masterpieces for yours in a few days. You can learn from native people, they are walling to share the knowledge and skills and you can propose your own solution and your design. It could by fantastic time to create, to do so, to learn and to teach.
New form of using time during the holiday, an active vacation.
African wild space is full of birds, fishes, mammals and bacterias. African soil is rich in chemical elements and what has underground you can discovered yourself. The oldest continent on the glob has a lot of to offer.
All Africa it´s university and laboratory for:
-etc, etc

4. Creating workplaces for locals according to national law, tradition, human dignity and justice
This is the way haw we can help African go out of poverty. You can come here and employ from five to twenty person. Each of them belongs to a big family when you employ one person you are giving better standard of life for all family members that means ten to twenty people. If you employ ten workers more than hundred have benefit.
In every African country you´ll quickly figure out haw much money is necessary monthly to fulfill  basic needs.
I am proposing to create workplaces for the poorest living on the villages and small towns. At the moment they not need the same among of money as people in Europe or North America.
An average salary could be from 100Euro to 300Euro per month and increase in time.

5. Supporting each of those places while basing of local needs and possibilities
The season of vegetation is very short, African can not produce enough food. Three, four months of rainy season it is to less. We can create gardens with irrigation system and planting vegetables diuring all year.
We can open small bakers and processing plants. We can produce eco cosmetics (e.g oil from baobab seeds) and herbs products by learning about old traditional methods of healing.
We can use all hand made products from cotton fabrics to caper wires and create new products.
Would you like to make theater or music festival, you are welcome.
In ever corner in Africa you will find something interesting for YOU.

6. Promoting and presenting the natural, African monuments on international forum in global media.
Everybody can find here such marvelous places that with pleasure you will make photos, movies, articles and by promoting your creativity you will promote the African nature.
Africa is magical it´s touch all our senses. To be here it is a way to wake up our own creativity.
The sun is not going up and dawn is coming from space and going there.
The night sky will show you a pictures which is impossible to see in the big city. You will lessen concerts given by African frogs, birds and create your own music.
Your creativity and activity will present and advertise African wild nature.

7. Establishing a cooperation with local and national representatives of governments for propose to preserve nature for touristic branch.
African are very walling to cooperate and very helpful . The program of preservation The nature with an activity which gives workplaces it can serve for an bigger aim. This is a way of regional development and economical increase. This kind of small regional projects are very welcome and they´ll get support from national administration.

8. Establishing cooperation with international touristic branches
Exotic, beautiful, safe places in Africa can enrich the offers of touristic companies all over the world.

9. ....and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Take happiness to do so and Give happiness to do so!
To be here to see to touch to small to be with/in nature it is like to be on another planet. To be here and take an action it is a way to do something really good for Earth, for African people and for us.

The wonderful idea could be to create national parks but economical, social and political situation in Africa require different activities which can provide more benefits.

African countries need development in way to give the citizens goods, improve their life conditions.
PNM Group can propose a diverse experimental technology; new, social, economical solutions, connecting business partners, with the aim of preservation natural environment created by the Earth through millions of years.


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